Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Elsa had her first hair cut on Sunday. We primed her for weeks with a book of mine from childhood about a lion cub who is scared of having his hair cut because he think it will hurt so lets his hair grow so long he can no longer see or hear past his locks. He's eventually mistaken for a mop by an elephant who insists on taking him to his monkey friend for a haircut and discovers that it's kind of fun to get a haircut! Thanks to Peter, Elsa had lots of fun.

I felt a little emotional and nervous about her first haircut but it was great (and her curls are still very much intact!). All my life Mum has told the tale of the time she took my very curly haired older sister for her first haircut and the hairdresser completely ruined her curls / took them all away for some time...I had that tale in mind, particularly given that Elsa has hair just like her aunt's. We took a little bag of her hair clipping away with us; something I know I'll always treasure.

That's my hair, not hers! I also had most of mine chopped off; it's a much-needed and welcome change. I really did have a lot of hair!

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